#a11yTO Gaming

A one day, single track unconference for accessible gaming!

The Event

The #a11yTO organizing team that brought your #a11yTO Conf and #a11yIRL are thrilled to announce their latest event: #a11yTO Gaming! This one day, single track unconference for accessible gaming will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at Telus in downtown Toronto.

#a11yTO Gaming will leverage #a11yTO Conf’s unique “Playlist” approach with a mixture of presentations, demos, and lightning talks to provide a fun and informative day of learning. We’re also bringing back our accessible arcade so attendees can try out the accessibility of their favourite games first hand!

Whether you're a game developer, a gamer, or both, #a11yTO Gaming has you covered with recognizable speakers from all over. Our 2019 host will be none other than the Blind Gamer himself, Mr. Steve Saylor!

Tickets for #a11yTO Gaming 2019 are $20, so come out, meet your fellow gamers, engage with the community, and most of all... have fun!


Our Sponsors

If you are interested in sponsoring #a11yTO, please email us at sponsor@a11yto.com